Counseling With Our Co-Workers

Written by | January, 2014
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From the Field                                  January 5, 2014 Counseling with our Co-Workers
When the Scripture speaks, we listen. This above all we try to inculcate in our pastors that we assist in training and upgrading in our sister churches. It is never, ‘do it because I say so’ but let’s look at what God says which may take a longer or a shorter period of time.
In Nigeria dealing with the polygamy questions the issues were first dealt with in the NCLC Board. Scriptural guidelines were agreed to and then these went to the pastors. It was the local pastor who had the prime responsibility to deal with any polygamous relationships. As missionary I offered to go with the pastor if he wanted me to accompany him to visit with a polygamist. I remember one case at Efa where I accompanied the pastor to visit one man who had two wives. The man listened and later he gave up one wife. This man some time later told me he did not agree with me at first, but afterwards saw what we said was right. This convinced man then entered the Bible Institute to be a pastor training for five years. He graduated and served until age incapacitated him and finally he was called home.
In India we recently had within the last year a discipline case with one of the pastors in one District of the BELC. When I left last May we had discussed this together with the District Chairman and the President and prayed. When I returned in September, I got a report on how things were being investigated and progressing with this case. It was to the point where I encouraged both men together to visit this man and make sure all the cards were laid on the table. We act in a capacity to support and bolster our leaders and pastors overseas. It appears at this time that the man has repented and is changing. Praise God for His Spirit’s work!
In all countries where our part time and full time missionaries go an integral part of the work is counseling the sister churches’ leaders and pastors. Sometimes this takes the form of private meetings and sometimes  public pastoral conferences. God is at work to will and to do of His good pleasure. And we’ve got THE lamp to our feet and light to our path.