Persecution Hindu Style (BELC)- From the Field – Nov. 6, 2017
Voice of the Martyrs” is a publication begun by Pastor Wurmbrand after he was released from communist imprisonment. In the September 2017 issue they had information on persecution of Christians in India. Hindutva is a term that the Hindu radicals use basically for ‘India for the Hindus’. Prime Minister Modi took office May 26, 2014 and since then the Hindu nationalists have worked harder to reconvert Christians to Hinduism. Christians are 27 million or 2.2% of the population. Modi is a long-time member of the BJP party which is now in power. While he says his government will not tolerate religious persecution, the facts of life say otherwise. There are anti-conversion laws in several states. The government is pressuring Christian foreign work in India like missionary, and charitable endeavors to be ended. In 2014 “Good Governance Day” was proclaimed to be celebrated on the same day as Christmas. The Hindu nationalist organization, the RSS, has grown to over 5 million members. The most populous state in India, Uttar Pradesh, has at its head a Hindutva firebrand who has not modified his views and actions, but intensified them. The Christians’ comfort is that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church. It is through many persecutions, trials and tribulations that the kingdom comes. Faith is strengthened.
We look at this time at the persecution faced by our sister church, the Berea Evangelical Lutheran Church, in India. Upcoming we will consider what our other sister church, the Church of the Lutheran Confession in India, faces.
This is reported by Pastor D. Paul Bakthavachalam, head of the BELC.
“I here with submit this on the persecution of BELC pastors.
When India became independent the constituent assembly adopted a constitution which declared India as a secular state. The danger to the flowering of secular state and society began when Hinduism happened to Hobnob with political power. The Hindu revivalists call for Hindu nationtionalism and political leadership in secular normative conditions to play on Hindu sentiments to stay in power. Rss, hinduparishad, pajrangthal, sivasena, Hindu front in tamilnadu and bjp party these Hindu organizations are always opposed to our church activities. One of the local mla’s(a member of the state legislative assembly) c.k.babu opposed pastor Bhasker of Chittoor district in his church building construction work at Chittoor and beat him several times with deadly weapons. Pastor Dhanraj under Chittoor district and V.Rajendiran of Shrikalakhasti district face framed false cases against them and trial court of law up to this time. Our BELC pastors faced many threatenings and opposition to our Jesus film project and gospel team. As to Pastor J.Daniel of Kuttur under Vaniyampadi district, his daughter was raped and seduced by Hindu revivalists. Many of our BELC pastors faced false cases and this is not yet ended. Christian love has no limits and we show our Christ love to them and pray for them and for their repentance. One man (Jesus Christ) died for all. 2nd Cor 2:14.”