Hispanic Work in the USA? – From the Field – June 10,2018
The USA is a land of immigrants. Waves of people from other countries have come to live in our country. Long years ago there was a gathering of German immigrants into Lutheran churches. This went on for quite some time. Now we have various immigrant groups in the USA. They naturally gather around the people they know and use often their native language. Spanish is very much used.
The CLC works with churches in eleven foreign countries and with six individuals in other countries. There are another six individuals taking correspondence courses from the CLC Mission Board. But we would be happy to work with immigrants such as the Spanish-speaking in the USA. For this we continue to pray.
Here are some interesting statistics on Hispanics in the USA. I have put the year of this research at the end. This allows you to go through it and then think what it might be today.
Brief compiled from information disseminated by the Pew Hispanic Center https://pewhispanic.org .
Hispanic Trends – Pew Research Center
The Pew Hispanic Center is a nonpartisan research organization that seeks to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and to chronicle Latinos’
… migration (both documented and undocumented immigrants) into the US exceeded 1.2 million. Recent data show that 53% of the foreign born come from Latin America . Additionally, the Hispanic population is growing faster in much of the South than anywhere else in the United States. Across a broad swath of the region stretching westward from North Carolina on the Atlantic seaboard to Arkansas across the Mississippi River and south to Alabama on the Gulf of Mexico, sizable Hispanic populations have emerged suddenly in communities where Latinos were a sparse presence just a decade or two ago. Examined both individually and collectively, these communities display attributes that set them apart from the nation as a whole and from areas of the country where Latinos have traditionally settled.
The undocumented population of the United States now numbers nearly 11 million people, including more than 6 million Mexicans according to new estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center, based on the most recent official data available. State-level data shows that Arizona and North Carolina now rank among the states with the largest populations of unauthorized migrants. Also notable, contrary to the stereotype of undocumented migrants as single males with very little education who perform manual labor in agriculture or construction, a Pew Hispanic Center report shows that most of the unauthorized population lives in families, a quarter has at least some college education and that illegal workers can be found in many sectors of the US economy. Furthermore, although most undocumented migrants are young adults, there is also a sizable childhood population. About one-sixth of the population–some 1.7 million people– is under 18 years of the age.
Underscoring the diverse linguistic mixture of Hispanic households, a recent study on news viewing preferences found that e xposure to news in English is greatly increased because so many Hispanic households are now bilingual with U.S.-born, English-speaking children living with Spanish-speaking, immigrant parents. Fully a third of Latinos who get all their news in Spanish, said that someone else in their household gets some news in English.
This is from 2004.