From the Field – Seminar on Comparing the Bible with the Koran and Jesus with Allah – Nov. 26, 2018
Pastor Paul Tiefel and I had the pleasure of visiting ten CLC congregations this month and presenting the seminar that compared the Koran and the Bible and Jesus and Allah. Below you have passages from the Koran that you could ask Muslims about as to what they say. It is good to be the Socratic gadfly to ask questions and seek to find out and point up things.
All citations are from the Koran.
54:1 moon split in two
18:83-86 sun sinking in a muddy spring, seen by Alexander
33:53 eat, leave
41:44 why in Arabic 12:2, t4:4
24:31 hijab required 33 :59, 3 6, 7 :26
56:35-37 virgins in heaven 78:33,55:70-74
76:19 young boys
5:51, 3:118,4:89 don’t be friends with Christians and fight them? 9:29
4:34 scourge her
37:6-10 stars are missiles 67:5
2:82, 4:11 women are ignorant and deserve less than men
33:56 incest?
4:24 slavery, what the ‘right hand possesses’
65:4 pedophilia?
5:38 cut off the hand
4 : 8 9 kill an apostate 2:217, 5 :5 4, 5 :33, 4:137, 1 6:1 06, 9 :123, 7 3 -7 4, I l -12
2:62 speaks well of Christians and Jews and later 3:85,9:30. 5:73
9 :29, 24:5 5 world domination
19:23-33 on Mary
4:3 wives
9:73, 11.1, 81., 94-95, 5:33, 8:12 Jihad
9:29 dhimmi, kafir
22:65 sky fall
68:1 ?
65:12,32:98 7 heavens, how many earths and distance between
It is interesting that some of the Musiim teachings that are well-known do not come from the Koran but
from the Hadith. For instance the shahada comes from there. Praying five times a day comes from there
while it is three times a day in the Koran.
I will be posting some more material later. If you would like a DVD of the seminar presentation or a copy of the 44 pages of material contact me. And let us pray for Muslims that they see Jesus as true God and the Savior of all men.