
Written by | December, 2014
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From the Field Dec. 3, ’14

In 2006 the CLC’s work in Thailand terminated with the return of the Bohde’s to the USA, due to Pastor Bohde’s severe ill health, actually life-threatening. Thanks to the Lord his health is now very good. My prayer is that we as a synod can return to work in Thailand. As far back as 1989 Bohde made an exploratory trip to Thailand. That was 25 years ago. He and his family lived and worked there. But as of this time there is no congregational presence from the previous work. I pray that all our prayers, efforts and offerings can culminate in a new presence there in the future to bring the great news of a Savior slain to those in the darkness of unbelief.

Mark Bohde as an independent is exploring how to resume work in Thailand’s north around Tak. He anticipates making several teaching trips a year to work with those interested. He just spent three weeks doing exploratory work there. This would be likely and heavily among the Hmong. There are a number of pastors of different villages who are interested in being taught the Word. In a country where barely 2-3% believe in Jesus, the need is great to say the least. In Jan. ’13 he made a preliminary trip to scope out the possibilities and this trip nearly one year later is building on that one.

If you would like to find out about the work resuming there, you can contact Mark Bohde at comabo [at] consolidated [dot] net or markBohde [at] gmail [dot] com or ph. 936 520 0898

As we approach the celebration of His coming for us, what a joy to know of others hearing and wanting to hear about Him.